Greater New York at MoMA PS1
MoMA PS1, Long Island City, NY
October 11, 2015 - March 7, 2016
Last month MoMA PS1 ushered in its fourth rendition of Greater New York. The exhibition, which has historically surveyed the work of emerging artists living and working within the New York metropolitan area, encompasses emerging and more established artists alike, bringing together 157 artist working in a diverse range of media. Greater New York, which recurs every five years, has seen a tremendous transformation since it's first installment in 2000 as the populace of artists continues to respond to the revolving demands and influences of a city greatly affected by a shifting real estate and commercial art market.
On the impressive exhibition roster, Vera List artists Glenn Ligon and Lorna Simpson were included.
Glenn Ligon participated in the Vera List Art Project in 2004 and Lorna Simpson in 2013. Lorna Simpson's edition Double Portrait is available here.
For more information about the exhibition at MoMA PS1.